Why are leaders in Emerging, Developing Third World Nations with such great potential, willing to sacrifice and auction their people’s future for the sake of keeping power? Is the problem psychological, social, economic, political, spiritual, or ethnic?


Perhaps the answer is in the history of these peoples, and the world that produced them. Many social scientists and scholars are baffled over the plight of the leadership challenges in the developing world, and some have concluded that there must be a social or genetic defect in the psychological development of leaders in these regions. However, being a product of the social, economic, political, and spiritual history of this context myself, I can appreciate the unique perspective one gains after experiencing the environment of colonial oppression.


The very terminology “Third World” that is used to describe the millions of people who are oppressed in some form of Ideological, Political, Religious, Cultural or Social form of leadership, implies a state of poverty, inferiority and low class. Most who live in these post-colonial territories and emerging nations had experienced the detrimental consequences of human oppression that rendered them psychologically disadvantaged as it relates to a healthy self-concept, high self-esteem, and strong self-worth.