As we enter the twenty-first century with its promises and perplexities, a generational change of leadership is emerging and transpiring around the world. There is a fresh wind of a new leadership spirit everywhere, especially among developing Third World peoples in every nation. Many of these leaders have been drawn to each other due to common vision, purpose and passion.

Through these casual encounters, many have discovered their oneness in vision commitment and concern for their cities, nations and generations. Many have expressed a desire for relationship, friendship and a support system with leaders of like vision. Over the fast few years, this desire has intensified and hundreds have been meeting and cooperating, providing moral support, inspiration and fellowship throughout the world.

ITWLA is a response to this development and is dedicated to providing an official focus and reference for enhancement of these relationships. ITWLA has become a world-wide family of Leaders embracing every discipline, providing friendship, inspiration, education, professional and technical training and a forum for accountability for thousands.

ITWLA headquarters is established in Nassau Bahamas, with other offices established in several other nations. Membership continues to expand its influence through providing consultancy services to governments, civic organizations, educational agencies and corporation.


The term “Third World” is used to describe over three-quarters of the over six billion people that populate this planet. The term was coined inan attempt to define and describe the various groupings of people throughout the world, based on their socio-economic status and stage of social and cultural development. Whether or not this term is valid, it is generally accepted as a description or element of identification for billions of people.

“Third World” also refers to any people who were not allowed to participate in, or benefit fully from, the progressive advancement and development of the industrial revolution. Many of them were reduced to slaves and indentured servants, or trapped by a political, social, cultural or economic system that robbed them of their sense of identity, dignity, self-worth and self-respect.

They were prevented from developing or maximizing the great potential and skills given to each of us by our Creator. “Third World” people consist of every ethnic group, culture, language and geographic location. Many exist within the boundaries of industrialized states, struggling to find their sense of purpose and self-worth. Others are still trapped in the darkness of ignorance as victims of oppression.

The International Third World Leaders Association’s principal focus is on addressing the unique nature, needs and dynamics of this “Third World” context. However, this focus is not at the exclusion of any other group or context.

Our Mission Statement:

Influencing the destiny of developing Third World Nations through Leadership Training, Personal Development, Supportive Relationships, and Global Networking.

Our Goal:

Cultivating Leadership Commitment- “To produce leaders dedicated to the empowerment of their people, the progressive well-being of their citizens and the betterment of their nation.”

Our Vision:

To establish a global network of Leaders from every discipline committed to the highest standards of excellence in leadership training, personal development, mutual accountability, fraternal support; implementing Relevant and Innovative leadership philosophy based on time-tested precepts, principles and values.

Our Strategy:

“Leaders learning from Leaders.”To cultivate and provide for formal training in Creative Leadership, Effective Management and Efficient Administration through the application of Time-tested Principles, Research, Ideas Exchange and Networking with special focus on the unique Third World context.

Our Purpose:

To provide transformational solutions in response to the dynamic leadership needs of the Emerging Third World Developing Nations.


PROVIDING TRAINING — To provide systematic training, programs and consultative services for leaders and professionals in government and private sector organizations.

EXCHANGING RESOURCES — To encourage the sharing and exchange of resources among leaders in order to maximize corporate efforts.

PROVIDING SUPPORT — To establish programs that provide support in case of disaster, emergencies and other crises.

PRESERVING DIGNITY — To protect and preserve human dignity and promote the development of self-worth.

PROMOTING PEACE — To honor and protect the right of being human and to pursue personal freedom, justice, health, education, industry and opportunities for development in order to promote peace in the world.

CULTIVATING COMMITMENT — To produce leaders dedicated to the empowerment of their people, the progressive well-being of their citizens and the betterment of their nation.



A commitment to self-discovery, development, deployment and maximization of one’s full potential.


A commitment to world-class leadership displayed through time-tested principles with the highest standard of integrity, morality and character.


A commitment to demonstrate honesty, sincerity, truth and principles of uprightness as a lifestyle.


A commitment to common purpose and vision.


A commitment of leaders learning from leaders through a bonding of relationships, friendships and opportunities while sharing a common vision and purpose.


A commitment of leaders learning from leaders through a bonding of relationships, friendships and opportunities while sharing a common vision and purpose.


A commitment to providing the highest quality of training for on-going development and refinement of leadership skills.


The effective application of time-tested principles to a contemporary society.


A commitment to creativity and initiative in addressing contemporary leadership challenges.


The commitment to securing future quality leadership through intentional Mentoring and Training of the next generation.


Membership in ITWLA embraces leaders from every discipline and profession including: Medicine, Law, Government, Education, Sports, Entertainment, Media, Business, Arts, Religion, Science and Technology.


Membership in ITWLA is by invitation only and confirmed by recommendation of the Board. Membership is considered a privilege and is protected by its members’ corporate commitment to the ideals and core values of the Association.